Complete list of publications here
Tandrup T., Lo Leggio L., Meilleur. F. (2023) Neutron Structure of Lentinus similis AA9_A at Room Temperature. Acta Cryst. F79: 1-7
David F., Setzler C., Sorescu A., Lieberman R.L., Meilleur F., Petty J.T. (2022) Mapping H+ in the Nanoscale (A2C4)2-Ag8 Fluorophore. J. Phys. Chem. Let. 13: 11317−11322
Tandrup T., Muderspach S.J., Banerjee S., Santoni G., Ipsen J.Ø., Rollán C.H., Nørholm M., Johansen K.S., Meilleur F., Leggio L.L. (2022) X-ray photoreduction of the lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase active site copper. IUCrj 9: 1-16
Moreno-Chicano T., Carey L.M., Axford D., Beale J.H., Doak R.B., Duyvesteyn H.M.E., Ebrahim A., Henning R.W., Monteiro D.C.F., Myles D.A., Owada S., Sherrell D.A., Straw M.L., Srajer V., Sugimoto H., Tono K., Tosha T., Tews I., Trebbin M., Strange R.W., Weiss K.L., Worrall J.A.R., Meilleur F., Owen R.L., Ghiladi R.A., Hough M.A. (2022) Complementarity of Neutron, XFEL and Synchrotron Crystallography for Defining the Structures of Metalloenzymes at Room Temperature. IUCrJ 9:1-15
Correy G.J., Kneller D.W., Phillips G., Pant S., Russi S., Cohen A.E., Meigs G., Holton J.M., Gahbauer S., Thompson M.C., Ashworth A., Coates L., Kovalevsky A.Y.*, Meilleur F.*, Fraser J.S.* (2022) The mechanisms of catalysis and ligand binding for the SARS-CoV-2 NSP3 macrodomain from neutron and X-ray diffraction at room temperature. Science Advances 8:eabo5083
Sacco M.D., Hu Y., Gongora M.V., Meilleur F., Kemp M.T., Zhang X., Wang J., and Chen Y. (2022) The P132H mutation in the main protease of Omicron SARS-CoV-2 decreases thermal stability without compromising catalysis or small-molecule drug inhibition. Cell Research 32:498-500
Schröder G.C., O’Dell W.B., Webb S.P., Agarwal P.K., and Meilleur F. (2021) Capture of activated dioxygen intermediates at the copper-active site of a lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase. Chem. Sci. 13, 13303-13320
Schröder G.C. and Meilleur F. (2021) Metalloprotein catalysis: structural and mechanistic insights into oxidoreductases from neutron protein crystallography. Acta Cryst. D77:1251-1269.
Schröder G.C., O’Dell W.B., Swartz P.D., Meilleur F. (2021) Preliminary results of neutron and X-ray diffraction data collection on a lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase under reduced and acidic conditions. Acta Cryst. F77:128-133.
Schröder G.C., Meilleur F. (2020) Neutron Crystallography Data Collection and Processing for Modelling Hydrogen Atoms in Protein Structures J. Vis. Exp. doi: 10.3791/61903.
Meilleur F., Kovalevsky A., Myles D.A.A. (2020) IMAGINE: The neutron protein crystallography beamline at the high flux isotope reactor. Methods Enzymol. 634:69-85.
Pierce J., Cuneo M.J., Jennings A., Li L., Meilleur F., Zhao J., Myles D.A.A. (2020) Dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced neutron crystallography: Amplifying hydrogen in biological crystals. Methods Enzymol. 634:153-175.
Knihtila R., Volmar A.Y., Meilleur F., Mattos C. (2019) Titration of ionizable groups in proteins using multiple neutron data sets from a single crystal: application to the small GTPase Ras. Acta Cryst. F75:111-115.
Ashkar R. et al (2018) Neutron scattering in the biological sciences: progress and prospects. Acta Cryst. D74:1129-1168.
Meilleur F., Coates L., Cuneo M.J., Kovalevsky A., Myles D.A. (2018) The Neutron Macromolecular Crystallography Instruments at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities, Crystals, 8, 10, 388
Duff M.R., Borreguero J.M., Cuneo M., Ramanathan A., He J., Kamath G., Chennubhotla C.S., Meilleur F., Howell E.E., Herwig K.W., Myles D.A., Agarwal P. K. (2018) Modulating enzyme activity by altering protein dynamics with solvent. Biochemistry 57:4263-4275
Schroder G.C., O’Dell W.B., Myles D.A., Kovalevsky A., Meilleur F. (2018) IMAGINE: neutrons reveal enzyme chemistry. Acta Cryst. D74:778-786
Bodenheimer A.M., O’Dell W.B., Stanley C.B., Oliver R.C., Qian S., Meilleur F. (2018) Structural investigation of Cellobiose Dehydrogenase IIA: Insights from Small Angle Scattering into Intra- and Intermolecular Electron Transfer Mechanisms. Biochem Biophys Acta. (General Subjects) 1862:1031-1039
Li L., Shukla S., Meilleur F., Standaert R.F., Pierce J., Myles D.A., Cuneo M.J. (2017) Neutron crystallographic studies of T4 lysozyme at cryogenic temperature. Protein Sci. 26:2098-2104
Hiromoto T., Meilleur F., Shimizu R., Shibazaki C., Adachi M., Tamada T., Kuroki R. (2017) Neutron structure of the T26H mutant of T4 phage lysozyme provides insight into the catalytic activity of the mutant enzyme and how it differs from that of wild type. Protein Sci. 26:1953-1963
Bodenheimer A.M., O’Dell W.B., Stanley C.B., Meilleur F. (2017) Structural studies of Neurospora crassa LPMO9D and redox partner CDHIIA using neutron crystallography and small-angle scattering. Carbohydr. Res. 448:200-2042
O’Dell W.B., Swartz P., Weiss K., Meilleur F. (2017) Crystallization of a fungal lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase expressed from glycoengineered Pichia pastoris for X-ray and neutron diffraction Acta Cryst. F73:70-78
Golden E., Duff A.P., Karton A., Blakeley M.P., Meilleur F., Vrielink A. (2017) An extended N-H bond driven by a conserved second order interaction orients the flavin N5 orbital in cholesterol oxidase. Scientific Reports 7, Article Number 40517
O’Dell W. B., Aggarwal P., Meilleur F. (2017) Oxygen Activation at the Active Site of a Fungal Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56:767-770
Bodenheimer A. M., Meilleur F. (2016) Crystal structures of wild-type Trichoderma reesei Cel7A catalytic domain in open and closed states. FEBS Letters 590:4429-4438
O’Dell W.B., Bodenheimer A. M., Meilleur F. (2016) Neutron protein crystallography: A complementary tool for locating hydrogens in proteins. Arch Biochem. Biophys. 602:48-60